> Much better. If you want to be extra good provide another 0.1uF
> parallel to the AVDD caps, close to pin 3.

The problem is, there's no ground near pin 3.  The Vdds are all near
pin 1, and the GNDs are all near pin 10.

> Might want to rotate C11 and squeeze it in between R18/C12 so it's
> closer to pin 4. But that really only matters if you expect lot of
> RF from cell phones and stuff.

Nope.  It's inside a metal box with all the circuit breakers.

> Some day maybe you could post the whole schematic so folks who are new 
> to gEDA like me can test drive a schematic with hierarchical order. 
> Somehow I never managed to find the Scandinavian example.

The two *.sch I posted are all there is; I have a Makefile that just
renames the one channel to the other fifteen of them.

> > 495 parts so far!  367 holes, 290 of which are vias.
> > 
> If it's any comfort my board that is in fab right now has 585 parts :-)

Yeah, but I have to assemble mine all by hand.

> Question: IIUC you haven't had the board produced yet. How did you 
> create this nice rendering of a finished circuit board?

PCB's png exporter has a "ben-mode" option (yes, we need to rename it)
that does photorealistic output, with a little post-processing:

  pcb -x png --ben-mode --dpi 450 powermeter.pcb
  pngtopnm powermeter.png | pamscale 0.333333 | cjpeg -q 90 > 

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