> So a string comparison of the old string against the searched for
> string should work.

What string?  There are three strings stored in elements - value,
refdes, and description.  None are supposed to *always* include the
filename!  gsch2pcb happens to use "description" to store the
footprint name, but that's not something pcb enforces.

> Can we align the old land pattern in terms of x-y translation and
> rotation? I think this is also do-able. It does assume you have a copy
> of the old land pattern.

The assumptions are:

1. The description field is the footprint name.

2a. The locations of at least two pins don't change.
2b. The location of the mark and at least one pin doesn't change.

Be careful about swapping the endpoints of SMT pads, though.
Midpoints of SMT pads might be a better choice, but then again, that
prevents you from making the pads longer on one side (think extending
QFP pads outward).

> What if, a exchanging a land patterns because we got the pin order
> wrong. I think just do it (perhaps an option to let the user choose
> between an assumption of device centering or of a designated pad as
> the center) and then let the drc tell us our nets are shorted.

user-chosen pins might make sense.  Default could be pins 1 and 2, or
mark and 1 (mark and 2 if mark overlaps 1).

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