> Actually, no; ^C per se is not supposed to do anything.  It just
> happens to be probably the commonest setting of c_cc[VINTR];

The above is *not* true (or even relevent) in a GUI environment.  It's
only true and relevent when an application is running inder the pervue
of the termio subsystem, which is *not* the case for gschem, which is
what we're talking about.

> > Ctrl-C is the standard "copy" command, most GUI standards require
> > it be implemented as such.
> A good example of why I can't stand "most GUI"s.

I won't deny your personal preference, but please don't confuse the
common user who *does* normally use "most GUIs".  In the common
environment, Ctrl-C is normally defined to be a copy operation.  The
details behind that are irrelevent, as are the details of termio

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