Mike Crowe <mcr...@gcdataconcepts.com> wrote:

> In my (weak) world view of electrical schematics there exist three types
> of data
> netlist data  - provides component to component connectivity)
> graphical data - infomation related to rendering a graphical schematic
> component data - additional infomation about the component, not strictly
> needed for the schematic (footprint, vendor info, price availability)

Ditto, this is also how I view the EDA flow and viewing these three as
mostly orthogonal is indeed the philosophy that I have implemented in
uEDA/uschem, quite in contrast with gEDA/gaf's approach.

But I don't use any databases in uEDA though, the "source code" for a
design is all text files to be entered in vi, i.e., the EDA flow is
vi and make (and cvs).  The component data are entered in the MCL
(Master Component List) whereas the netlist and graphical data are
captured in the schematic source (.usch) files.  The latter have a
language designed to keep the different classes of data (netlist,
graphical, links to MCL for components) as orthogonal as possible.


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