On Tue, 2009-01-06 at 07:26 -0500, Dave McGuire wrote:
> On Jan 5, 2009, at 5:32 PM, Mike Crowe wrote:
> > I don't know if putting gschem netlist data or the graphics data  
> > into a
> > database helps with much, as relationalism there doesn't seem to be of
> > much benefit.
>    Relationalism may not be of much benefit, but easy, centralized,  
> network-based management of that data certainly is.  I regularly edit  
> schematics from 3-4 different computers, and I currently use rsync to  
> keep my symbols up-to-date across them.  I'd much rather use a  
> central network-based repository. 

I've thought about this, too, and my current solution which I'm quite
happy with is to use the 'git' distributed revision control system.

My tree of library parts is one repo, each design I work on is a repo,
and I have a central server I 'git push' updates to that as a result
could be thought of as my master copy.  Tagging the parts database at
the same time I tag a design database to indicate a particular release /
version is handy, too, because it simplifies the process of getting back
to a known state if I ever need to later.  I can even envision potential
use of branching to try out part tweaks before making a long term
commitment to the change, but I haven't actually needed that yet.


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