Ales Hvezda wrote:
> [snip nice e-mail]
>> Call me a "control freak" if you like, but gEDA seems ok with that.  :)
>       This is an interesting point that should be reiterated.  The
> whole point of gEDA is flexibility-- I hate it how some tools force you
> to work in and only in their narrow world.  We (as developers) should
> not take away flexibility unless there is a really really good reason.
> At least we should keep all the "control freaks" happy. :)

I think the GNU debugger illustrates the success that can come from the
idea.  There you have a core backend that does all the heavy lifting,
and then a dozen or so GUIs to plug into it: CLI, Eclipse, DDD, Insight,
KDevelop, Anjuta, ...  If you don't like one, then pick another.  And on
the backend, if your remote target can talk to the core then all those
GUIs will too.  I get a lot of smiles each time I ssh to an embedded
system a continent away, and then fire up a remote GDB session to step
through "Hello, world!" on it.  And then repeat the exercise with DDD.  :)

I think gEDA is probably in the early stages of such a concept, perhaps
without realizing it.  If you don't like gschem then don't use it.  But
whatever you do make sure that the tool you scratch your itch with
produces output that pcb can understand, so you don't reinvent that
wheel too.  If you don't like pcb's autorouter, then develop and/or plug
in a different one.  And so on.  Then somebody has to come back later
and integrate it all in a meta-program that creates the illusion that
they're all part of the same "package", just like what Eclipse does for
software development tools.

The "control freak" aspect just illustrates that you're doing the job
right, methinks.


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