John Doty wrote:
> On Jan 15, 2009, at 9:21 AM, Joerg wrote:
>> Thing is, my jobs aren't simple.
> They are simpler than you think. A team of specialists can take weeks  
> to do a 20 minute job.

Most of my assignments are around 1/2 year, from spec discussions to 
finished design. The shortest one was 3-1/2 billed hours plus around 35 
hours of flight time. Blew the client's mind when I called in same day 
and said it's fixed. They had assembled a Manhattan-style team to 
conquer the issue and then the department head did the right thing: 
"Dang, we'll blow too many manhours on this and it's urgent, let's call 
in a specialist and get it over with." Like him, I strongly believe in 
tapping consultants and specialists when needed. Else I wouldn't be a 
consultant ;-)

>> I cannot possibly build a whole
>> ultrasound machine or a complete aircraft all by myself.
> No, but remember that every big job is composed of a large number of  
> small jobs. Many of these small jobs cross specialization boundaries.  
> If you turn the small jobs into big jobs because *you* won't cross  
> such boundaries, the difficulty of the whole job blows up to enormous  
> proportions.

Why do you keep saying I won't cross lines? I do, almost every day. But 
I will never micro-manage or try to do everything myself when a person 
can be found who can do it better, or when we can save time that way.

> The HETE-2 burst alert communication network cost 1/100 what NASA's  
> cost experts said it should. None of its designers was a  
> communication specialist. Go figure...

In a large organization that isn't really a surprise.

Ok, but I think we should let this be for now, goes too far OT.

Regards, Joerg

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