To me the idea of a app.log associated with a project is that if some
step in the project goes "GAK" I would like to know why.

For example.... I modified an altera project and built it and in doing
so generated a fubar.ptf file which I then put onto a memory stick and
moved fubar.ptf from a windo$e machine to a linux machine :) and then my
friend tried to rebuild the embedded linux kernel that matches the board
and the linux build went "GAK". An engineer asked me why I had built a
corrupted fubar.ptf? Well seems that fubar.ptf was fine except that in
moving it from the windo$e box to the linux box :) the owner of
fubar.ptf became root and no one else had read or write or execute
permission and the build of the embedded linux kernel said hey I need
that file and I am not allowed to read it so I am going "GAK".

Would have saved me 30 seconds if a log file had said file access
problem and might have saved me the aforementioned accusation of
generating corrupted files if my compatriots had had and had known how
to read project build log files.

A modern fable by

Steve Meier

On Fri, 2009-01-16 at 19:53 -0700, John Doty wrote:
> On Jan 16, 2009, at 7:43 PM, Steve Meier wrote:
> > hmmm, isn't problem info being logged. I would agree if during the
> > current run the logfile only included warnings.
> >
> > how about if at the end of execution that if there was a problem of  
> > some
> > class detected that the user be asked if the  log file should be
> > retained?
> In UNIXy systems, there's syslog() for this. On systems where there  
> is no such facility, the users probably won't be bothered if gEDA  
> doesn't log stuff. Grist for configure...
> >
> > On Fri, 2009-01-16 at 18:32 -0500, Dave McGuire wrote:
> >> On Fri, January 16, 2009 5:45 pm, Peter TB Brett wrote:
> >>> Currently, running any gEDA suite program leaves behind a log  
> >>> file in
> >>> the current working directory. I would like to change the default  
> >>> to not
> >>> generating log files, so that I (and other users who use the default
> >>> configuration) don't end up with gschem.log and gnetlist.log files
> >>> scattered over their entire filesystem. Any objections?
> >>
> >>   Absolutely, positively NO objection here. :)
> >>
> >>          -Dave
> >>
> >
> >
> >
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> John Doty              Noqsi Aerospace, Ltd.
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> geda-user mailing list

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