On Saturday 17 January 2009 17:41:01 John Griessen wrote:

> > Another thing this enables: because we now have an easy-to-get-at list of
> > embedded files, we can "catch" attempts to insert a library component
> > with the same name as an embedded component, and offer the user some
> > options for resolving the conflict.
> >
> > Finally, *if* someone wanted the option to embed all symbols by default,
> > this makes it much easier to enable that behaviour for them.
> I can see another workflow that uses the above functions.  Start with a
> schematic you want to reuse, copy it, have it embed symbols, make changes,
> update embedded symbols.

Yes, I think this would be possible.

> [snip]
> Do our component library specification lines act in the order they are in
> the gafrc file?
> For instance:
> (component-library
> "${HOME}/EEProjects/ecosensors-pub.git/gschem-cibolo/two-terminal")
> (component-library
> "${HOME}/EEProjects/ecosensors-pub.git/gschem-cibolo/thru-hole")
> do my two-terminal symbols of the same name get used, or the thru-hole
> ones?

The thru-hole ones get searched, then the two-terminal ones.

Latest specification wins.


Peter Brett

Electronic Systems Engineer
Integral Informatics Ltd

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