On Sun, Jan 18, 2009 at 09:23:00AM -0500, al davis wrote:

a) multiple invocations of the same plugin and/or
[b]) different plugins in the same language
c)    "        "     "  different languages
be able to share state (i.e. variables)?
I can't speak for gschem, but ideally the answer would be "no".
IMO at least a) should be "yes". Perhaps my sentence was ambiguous: What I meant was whether the state of a single plugin instance is preserved during a whole gschem session (spanning multiple sessions would be interesting as well, but an entirely different topic). Simple example: counter variable for giving each new symbol instance a unique refdes attribute. Whether there really are cases where b) and c) are useful is probably a matter of speculation.

If they could share state, the risk of one clobbering another would be very high.
Only if they can accidently share state. I'm not arguing for a shared namespace, not at all. Cross-plugin interactions MUST be properly qualified.

CU Sascha


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