On Sun, 2009-01-18 at 13:44 -0500, der Mouse wrote:
> >> I would actually recommend you use PRIMARY, not CLIPBOARD (though I
> >> also recognize that you may not have meant "clipboard" to be the
> >> technical term here).
> > No, Peter B and I discussed this, and we explicitly did _not_ want to
> > use PRIMARY.

The one thing that concerns me about the CLIPBOARD mechanism is that we
might not be able to export so many different types of data on it.

> Hm, then I suspect you'll find yourself unable to paste into X clients
> with relatively unsophisticated selection paradigms (which are likely
> to use PRIMARY and nothing else).

Realistically, I can't think what those clients might need to be.

The main use-cases we've envisaged are:

gschem-gschem windows
gschem->office application / presentation app / graphics editor
gschem->text editor (underlying text representation of the symbol /
schematic data)

All the text editors I use (emacs / gvim / ...) can paste text from the
CLIPBOARD, and Xterms can even paste text from the clipboard (I presume
they push it into the pty as if the user had typed it?).

> > The UI paradigm for PRIMARY is passing the currently selected text
> > between applications.
> Well, the currently selected object.  Text is perhaps the commonest use
> of it, but it's by no means restricted to text.  But see below.
> > If we start claiming the PRIMARY X selection every time someone has a
> > schematic object selected in gEDA, [...]
> Oh, yes, certainly.  I wasn't thinking you'd take the selection every
> time an object is selected; I was expecting selecting as in picking an
> object to operate on and selecting as in preparing to paste would be
> different operations (with unfortunately similar names).

This isn't what many users will be used to in this day and age. Yes,
even I (a youngster) remember when X11 was focus follows mouse, and when
you really did have to mouse-over a text entry to type in it.. sadly a
lot of that is now lost. (Although I do set my WM to focus windows to
focus follows mouse, individual UI controls are still click-to-select).

I suppose we could use the PRIMARY selection for a Ctrl+C copy, but most
apps I've seen use select text -> PRIMARY, and Ctrl+C -> CLIPBOARD. (I

I was also wondering if PRIMARY would be unsuitable, we could just
intern an atom for a "geda" selection, for pasting between gEDA apps
(assuming CLIPBOARD might not be flexible enough, and PRIMARY might want
to be reserved for selected text).

> > I don't know of any other applications which claim the PRIMARY
> > selection for graphical objects.
> That's odd.  I don't see any basis in either the ICCCM or the EWMH for
> the use of anything else for routine selection data transport.  Is
> there something I missed, or is this just an observation that some
> client authors think they know better than the ICCCM spec that PRIMARY
> is "the principal means of communication between clients that use the
> selection mechanism"?

Most apps work fine, although I've noticed an irritating trend in Gnome
apps (The HTML viewing pieces?, as used in Epiphany / Firefox? /
Evolution mail client / devhelp), which _don't_ grab the PRIMARY
selection for selected text. That is _really_ infuriating.

I'm just observing that I've not seen any programs grab the PRIMARY
selection for graphical data.

Peter Clifton

Electrical Engineering Division,
Engineering Department,
University of Cambridge,
9, JJ Thomson Avenue,

Tel: +44 (0)7729 980173 - (No signal in the lab!)

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