So to take this adding too much complexity argument to street and  
shoot it.

if we have plugins, this is simplified.....

if a plugin can register a hook on a component place,  this can call  
an interface to the Data On Materials (DOM) database.


For those who only think of mySQL when programmers say database...

database |ˈdatəˌbās; ˈdā-|
a structured set of data held in a computer, esp. one that is  
accessible in various ways.

^^^^^^^^look flat files in directories are a database.....


Inside of this plugin it takes the light symbol that gEDA provide and  
applies its magic.

pow the symbol has the info that is required for your process, from  
your DOM database

Wouldn't a digikey/mouser plugin rock?  we should work with them to  
get an interface working.....

On Jan 21, 2009, at 9:06 AM, John Doty wrote:

>> The extra database contains (or could contain) all this information.
> Millions of entries. Impractical for us to maintain.

gEDA does NOT maintain user component databases, there no way we would  
know what part number thy would use!

now for an example that dosen't require PCB

put generic symbols for TSMC's standard cells then a plugin can map  
them to the process ( silicon ) that you are using.

now for post gschem.....

if this plugin could be used as a filter for gnetlist,  the parts go  
through gnetlist, each one gets filtered by the plugin,  if info is  
missing something happens;  you die and fix it in gschem or you could  
go interactive.

as for PCB and the DOM database,  it might be cool if it could pull a  
footprint from one...

call a program and it spits out a footprint to sdtout.
pcb then incorporates it into the pcb file.

have a program that grabs it from JLC's page. :-)


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