On Wednesday 21 January 2009, Patrick Dupre wrote:
>After I made a pcb, can I duplicate it on the same silk ?
>Then I go get several at the same time.

If you mean making another pcb by using the same silk, yes.  We used to do 
that 40 some years ago at a tv station, where such things as audio and video 
DA's are often used by the dozens.  But because the silk will dry and clog up 
if you don't very carefully rinse all the ink out of it, You should do as 
many as you need plus another 25% or so for future expansion use when the 
silk is ready to use.  When we cleaned the silk up, it was total, and then 
ready to re-use for the next board we made.  The same silk & frame will last 
for several years worth of small production runs if cared for.

Today though, with the narrower traces commonly used, I'd suspect the hand 
work to fix holes and smears would probably soon drive you to a photographic 
resist process.  Or to cutting machinery, needing no etch chemistry at all, 
just a good board scrubbing when its done from the plating of thru holes and 
via's.  That plating was the one process we didn't have the stuff to do, but 
our spray etcher could preserve our notes written in the 10x10 when reduced 
4/1, perfectly readable at .025" high in the copper, which amazed me in the 
middle 60's when I was doing it.

Seems like silk screen for pcb's would be rather arcane technology today 

Cheers, Gene
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