Hello gEDAns,

I am one of the developers of Fritzing, a simple FLOSS EDA made for less
technical (non-engineer) users.  Our project is young but we have been
posting frequent releases since November.

I am also a gEDA user since 2005.  I want to thank all the developers
for producing such a powerful piece of software.  Quite a few ideas (but
no code) in Fritzing were based on your designs.

Introductions aside, I was hoping to start a dialogue between our
groups.  We see our project as fitting into the EDA world in a different
space from gEDA.  Most of our target audience have limited experience
with electronics and are interested in realizing small, low-complexity
prototypes.  However, as our software is limited (intentionally) in
scope, some users may reach a stage where they need the more advanced
EDA features of a package like gEDA.  

Right now, I'm working on a gEDA-PCB footprint import component that
converts gEDA footprint files to our internal SVG based files.  In the
long term we would be interested in supporting some sort of export path
so that users can export Fritzing projects and continue working on them
in gEDA.

Feel free to try out our latest builds, give us feedback, tips, gripes,
etc.  And we are totally open to any kind of collaboration.


Brendan Howell

geda-user mailing list

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