>OK, but you can see where this idea creeps in: people wanting
>to work on, contribute to, and use Free (as in freedom) hardware
>designs do not want to depend on proprietary software to do it.

Exactly, which is the primary reason why I started the gEDA project.

>Maybe Giuseppe should weaken that statement a little, but it
>makes sense to keep some kind of reference in there.  Maybe:

The statement actually comes for the gEDA website and the wording was
choosen quite explicitly:

        The gEDA project was started because of the lack of free EDA
        tools for POSIX systems with the primary purpose of advancing
        the state of free hardware or open source hardware. ...

The key words are:

"The gEDA project was started because ..."

Also, this license page has been debated and refined in the past:


and if you want to argue against it, then by all means, but please do it
offlist.  Thanks,


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