I think geda groups should be where geda users are. Linked in has the
advantage of being able to see which companies geda users work for and
who they work with. This might be the start of a way to market geda into
larger stronger engineering organizations.

>From my perspective. Sourceforge is about the code, features, bugs and
documentation. Facebook and linkedin are about the people.

Steve Meier

On Sat, 2009-01-24 at 19:37 +0000, Peter Clifton wrote:
> On Sat, 2009-01-24 at 18:51 +0100, Giuseppe Dia wrote:
> > Hi there,
> > thanks for your prompt answer. Didn't want to stir a debate on the FAQ
> > execerpt...
> > I think Steve is right,  so in the meanwhile  I removed the said
> > statement, for a more general one, without quoting or linking to the
> > gEDA website, until a word of the project leader.
> > If Ales and the other feel it's right to continue using it, we may
> > choose together the best description for the group, and choose to
> > modulate the description to give a link strength to gEDA as strong as we
> > want (even none, if you wish, of course).
> > This should by no means become a way of creating tension: to me is just
> > another way to possibly create useful comunication and some visibility
> > for gEDA, and another way to reach EDA professionals who aren't reading
> > this list but may catch some interesting chat there and get involved.
> > Bye,
> This group is only useful if anyone is using it.
> Currently gEDA's presence is spread between seul.org, sourceforge.net,
> launchpad.net, now linkedn..
> Do we need a facebook group?
> I'm actually concerned that if we have so many presences, we end up
> diluting the "brand", and if these aren't actively looked after /
> maintained, it ends up looking like the project is less active than it
> really is.
> In short.. if you create these groups, please be sure to keep them
> maintained, and ensure they aren't somewhere which people try to get in
> touch, but get neglected / ignored.
> Letting us know you created the group is good. Asking before hand would
> have been better.

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