On Wednesday 28 January 2009, Dave McGuire wrote:
>    And again, I agree in theory, but in practice things are
> quite a   bit different.  A lot of people writing C++ code
> these days have no idea what they're doing, and the rest of
> us pay the price in frustration when we try to get something
> compiled.

A lot of people writing code in any language have no idea what 
they are doing.

>    So, I guess my problem is more with clueless C++
> "programmers"   than C++ itself.

Substitute any other language, that statement is still equally 

> (though I do consider C++ to 
> be a horribly ugly pile of crap)

Most of the ugliness is inherited from C, or exists because of 
the restrictions that come from a goal of making it a proper 
superset of C.

Can you do better?  Show me.

I don't mean a theoretically better simple language.  I mean 
something better for the type of jobs C++ was designed for.

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