On Tue, 2009-03-10 at 21:32 +0000, Peter Clifton wrote:
> On Tue, 2009-03-10 at 22:09 +0100, Stefan Salewski wrote:

> > May it be reasonable to allow distributions to include 1.5.x into their
> > testing/unstable branch?
> I (personally) think that depends on whether they automatically got
> filtered down into the distro's stable releases or not. Gentoo and
> Debian Experimental are about the only ones I can think of which this
> might hold true for.

Putting 1.5.n packages in Debian experimental is a completely reasonable
idea.  It'd save lots of build effort for people who want to use the
newer series, and definitely help ensure that packaging issues don't
creep in.

> if there is great demand for a new release, and we're
> not ready, we should perhaps do a GNOME.. bump some of our list of
> desired features to the next cycle, and get on with releasing what we
> have, rather than blocking (for a possibly unbounded length of time) on
> a list of bug-fixes / must-have features for a given release.

Yes.  The question I've often posed in Debian space is whether our user
community would be better served by releasing what we have or holding
off for another, hypothetically better, day.  And the kernel.org folk
realized a while back that going too far down a development branch that
isn't in routine use without making a release is a bad idea... which is
why a new approach was taken for kernels in the 2.6 series.  Definitely
worth thinking about.


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