On Tue, 2009-03-31 at 15:28 +0100, richard.b...@blueyonder.co.uk wrote:

> Thanks Stefan its starting to become clearer now, I'd found the 
> shortened version, and the PCB handbook which I've printed out.
> Being a RF engineer my brain has got used to working with Cartesian 
> co-ordinates hence the confusion. Its still a bit confusing as the 
> Handbook uses positive co-ordinates and examples in the Brorson docs, 
> and footprints on your site use negative co-ords.

Other people do Sudoku or crosswords pussle -- we  have this for free.

Seriously: Most pcb footprints have 0,0 at center. Arcs are more
difficult, I can never remember where 0 degree is and how sweep counts.

> As for the dimensions for the capacitors, I took the lead diameter and 
> pitch from the data sheets I took the physical dimensions off the 
> component, so that would account for any small differences.
> Many thanks for the help

OK, I think we should use all dimensions from datasheet, I will do this
this evening and post the footprint.

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