On Mon, 2009-04-20 at 10:34 -0700, Steven Michalske wrote:
> On Apr 20, 2009, at 3:20 AM, Stefan Salewski wrote:
> > On Mon, 2009-04-20 at 12:06 +0200, Stephan Boettcher wrote:
> >
> >>
> >> - use the 3-pin footprint and connect pin three with a net= attribute
> >>  on the symbol
> >>
> >
> > This idea in not new to me, I tried something similar with an OpAmp  
> > with
> > multiple power pins -- now i prefer a special footprint.
> >
> > I have 8 of these variable capacitors (8 and 10mm diameter), so I have
> > to give the first symbol a net attribute like "net=CapVarNetA:1,3" the
> > next "net=CapVarNetB:1,3" the next "net=CapVarNetC:1,3" then next...
> >
> > A gschem pin which can have multiple pinnumbers may be a nice  
> > solution?
> >
> I like the idea of a delimited list of pins for a pin.

I too.

> I dislike the net attribute, is seems like a hack and doesn't allow  
> for changes easily.  changing the net name of the net feeding that pin  
> won't be quite what you want.

I think the same.

> My solution for this problem is to make a new symbol, and explicitly  
> place all pins.

No. A capacitor with 3 pins in a schematic?
Just because some devices have 3 pins for technical reasons? I think a
symbol in a schematic should be abstract, and a capacitor is a two pin
device from its physics.

I started with special footprints with pin 3 renamed to 1, DJ suggests
this too, so I go on using it. The only minor problem is, that I have to
keep my footprints sorted, I have to care that I newer use such a
modified footprint when I really need 3 pins, i.e. for a potentiometer.
My current solution: Have general 3 pin devices, with a local (not
public) copy with pin 3 renamed to 1. I was not able to find a nice name
to this modified copy, so I append @2. This should remember me. Now I
have true three pin devices named i.e. 
and the special, local copy named

Best regards

Stefan Salewski

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