I am all for community symbols,  but please leave the GPLv3 out of it.

Working in industry,  we now have a rule that we should avoid GPLv3  
like the plague, and I need to get the companies lawyers involved if I  
want to consider that software.

Rules like that prevent me from using software and contributing back.

I like John's license at http://luciani.org/geda/pcb/pcb-footprint-list.html 
   its clean simple and unambigous


On May 16, 2009, at 6:22 AM, Jelle de Jong wrote:

> Duncan Drennan wrote:
>>> What are good books that explain how to create good save  
>>> footprints from
>>> datasheet specs. I am searching for best practices, math rules and  
>>> so forts.
>> IPC-7531A, 
>> http://portal.ipc.org/Purchase/ProductDetail.aspx?Product_code=81B562C1-B8F8-DB11-8A6A-005056875B22
> If I buy this document and let somebody make software around it,  
> released
> under GPLv3 and developed in community style will this be possible and
> legal?
> What are the alternatives?
> Would it be realist to develop a open standard for the creation and  
> data
> storage for footprints that will be accepted by all open EDA tools,  
> like
> gEDA, pcb, KiCad etcetra?
> Best regards,
> Jelle
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