     Yes, in a previous post I discussed the numerous ways of changing
   the background/scheme, including providing a link to an instructional
   web site.  Being naturally curious, I like to try a few alternatives
   to see what they do; thus trying yours, since that seemed perhaps the
   simplest.  But, we all learned something from my experiment, didn't

   Date: Fri, 22 May 2009 07:03:42 +0100
   From: Peter TB Brett <>
   Subject: Re: gEDA-user: Still compiling 1.5.2
   To: gEDA user mailing list <>
   Message-ID: <>
   Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-15"
   On Thursday 21 May 2009 23:11:57 KURT PETERS wrote:
   > Peter,
   > You would not BELIEVE how ungodly ugly that "(display-color-map
   > '((background "#ffffff")))" in my gschemrc makes gschem's screen.
   It's the
   > grid lines that are doing it in, but the text is unreadable. and,
   > the screen is unreadable. I'm using 1.5.2 now.
   > I did notice that now there's a "view" light color scheme included
   as a
   > menu option that looks fine though. Of course, it would be nice if
   > could save the configuration when you change it.
   Ah, you didn't say you wanted to change the colour map as a whole. In
   case you need (as clearly documented in the first few lines of system-
   (load (build-path geda-rc-path "gschem-colormap-lightbg"))
   Peter Brett
   Cambridge University Engineering Department

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