On Mon June 8 2009 09:13:26 pm Peter Clifton wrote:
> On Mon, 2009-06-08 at 23:29 +0000, Kai-Martin Knaak wrote:
> > I tried git fetch git://repo.or.cz/geda-gaf/pcjc2.git
> > However, as you probably have guessed, this version is also affected by
> > the bug.
> I've re-pushed that now.
> Please test, and report bugs. I've altered a lot of the code for
> measuring text bounds, drawing text (both static and during placement),
> curing several bugs along the way. (Possibly introducing more ;)

I just cloned from git about an hour ago and I am getting severe crashes 
*anytime* I try to load text.  It matters not from where or to where.  The 
menus are also missing. (see attachment)

When I ran gdb I get the following when the program crashes:

./src/gschem: symbol lookup error: ./src/gschem: undefined symbol: 

I can't seem to get a backtrace, though.

-Mark S.

------------ From the log ------------

Read system config file [/home/mark/apps/geda/share/gEDA/system-gafrc]

In unknown file:
   ?: 0* [primitive-load "/~/apps/geda/share/gEDA/system-gschemrc"]
In ~/apps/geda/share/gEDA/system-gschemrc:
 624: 1* (postscript-font-scale 1.0)

~/apps/geda/share/gEDA/system-gschemrc:623:0: Unbound variable: 
Read system config file [~/apps/geda/share/gEDA/system-gschemrc]
Read init scm file [~/apps/geda/share/gEDA/scheme/gschem.scm]
New file [~/sources/geda/gaf.trutype/gschem/src/untitled_1.sch]
Tried to set the sensitivity on non-existent menu item 'Edit/Cu_t'
Tried to set the sensitivity on non-existent menu item 'Edit/_Copy'
Tried to set the sensitivity on non-existent menu item 'Edit/_Delete'
... [Snip] ...

<<attachment: notext_screen.png>>

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