Sorry man if you were in Northern California I'd have no problem
helping you. Good luck with your search.

On Wed, Jun 24, 2009 at 5:04 PM, Michael
Sokolov<> wrote:
> Hello gEDA/PCB users,
> I wonder, is there perchance a local user group in Southern California
> similar to the Freeedaug on the East Coast?  Or if there is no
> established group, are there any individual gEDA/PCB users in Southern
> California who might be interested in starting such a group?
> I would really like to find someone local from whom I could learn how to
> use PCB for simple tasks.  Because of the way my brain is wired, tasks
> that are inherently graphical by their nature (such as PCB layout) are
> very unnatural and difficult for me, so I know I will probably never do
> my own complex PCB layouts of professional quality, instead I'll have to
> outsource them like I did with the OSDCU (Ineiev did an outstanding job
> in my opinion!), however, I would like to at least be able to do simple
> things with PCB.  I would like to be able to view existing layouts and
> examine areas of interest to me, make minor edits and do my own layouts
> of very simple boards that have maybe 2 or 3 components and fewer than
> 10 or so traces.
> My difficulty is that my disability when it comes to graphical tasks
> makes it harder for me than it would be for an average person, so whereas
> a "normal" person would have no difficulty learning how to use PCB from
> the various resources on the web, I think I would need to learn from
> someone I can interact with in person.  Hence I wonder if there is
> anyone local in Southern California who would be willing to teach me
> some basic use of the PCB GUI.
> I do have pcb-20081128 installed and working with the lesstif HID on my
> Slackware Linux laptop.
> MS
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