On Jun 28, 2009, at 3:24 PM, Bill Gatliff wrote:

> John Doty wrote:
>> Repeat after me:
>> "There are very few symbols distributed with gEDA that are perfectly
>> suited to my project and my design flow."
> Agreed!
>> I understand you want to patch over this somehow.
> Not so much "patch over" as to prevent duplication of work by every  
> gEDA
> user out there reimplementing the same symbols and footprints over and
> over again.

That's not what you do. You start with an existing symbol file, and  
just tweak it a little. Easy.

> How many NAND symbols do we need?  Right now, it's one for each
> different footprint that the symbol relates to.  I think that's
> unacceptable.

How does your plan differ, except by making the process more  
complicated? You have to put the information *somewhere*. For maximum  
ease and flexibility, put it in your project's copy of the relevant  
symbol. You don't need to implement or learn *any* additional  
capability beyond what Hs gives you.

> Yes, the core of gEDA is incredibly flexible and I don't have any  
> desire
> to change that.  I would just rather focus my CPU cycles on design,  
> and
> not ridiculously redundant and error-prone junk like creating a
> half-dozen NAND symbols that only differ by one or two lines.  That's
> grunt work that a silicon CPU should be doing, not me.

It is cannot any simpler or less error prone than editing the symbol  
file. The information has to come from *somewhere*, the computer  
cannot read your mind...

> b.g.
> -- 
> Bill Gatliff
> b...@billgatliff.com
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John Doty              Noqsi Aerospace, Ltd.

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