DJ Delorie wrote:
> IMHO the smallest drills are vias, and bigger drills are pins.  At
> least, if you have an untended drill of size N, any tented drill of
> size >N will give an error.  I don't think there's any special "flags"
> in PCB that are going to change this.

Ok, glad to know I wasn't missing something.  The tech guy said "there's
only so much we can do with scripting", I beg to differ.  ;-)  I found
the DRC tool in pcb, it highlighted the same errors the freedfm found,
plus a couple of false hits because of my problem creating the ground
plane, spelled out below.

> If the keepout circle is for your own reference, you'll have to either
> (1) remove or reduce it so that it doesn't go over the edge, or (2)
> expand your work area and use an explicit outline layer (rename a
> copper layer "outline").  PCB by default (i.e. without coding changes
> or manual hacking the .pcb file) won't let you place silk outside the
> work area.  That you happen to have something too big to meet this
> rule just means pcb acts strangely ;-)

Neat!  I was contemplating changing my footprint so that I had two arcs
instead of one circle.  I'm tempted by the outline layer, especially
since has a minimum size of 1250milx1250mil(mine is
1000x750), but I don't want the bleed over when I go to a panel layout.
 So, two arcs it is then.

> And lastly, source control.... yeah, we took care in the pcb load/save
> file to preserve the relative ordering of things so that diffs from
> board to board due to edits were minimal.

The only hot mess I created where the diff didn't make sense was when I
flooded the copper ground plane on my solder side (two layer board).  Is
there a way, after a trace has been placed, to mark it so a polygon fill
will avoid it like a via?  I had to create 30 or so polygons to create
my ground plane, manually avoiding my two traces.  I felt like I wasn't
doing it right.  which is usually a sign that I missed something. :-)

I read in one of the tutorials somewhere that I could flag the trace
_before_ placing it, but that didn't help me by the time I'd discovered
the problem.  I'd prefer not to redo the entire back side if I don't
have to.  Especially since every time I delete a trace, I can't seem to
create a new trace in it's place.  pcb won't let me terminate it in the
same place the old trace terminated.  Yup, I'm missing something, again.



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