On Sat, 2009-10-10 at 08:25 +0100, Peter TB Brett wrote:
> On Saturday 10 October 2009 00:56:48 Stefan Salewski wrote:
> > Output of
> > 
> > ./configure --help
> > 
> > says
> > 
> > --enable-doxygen        generate Doxygen API documentation
> > 
> > 
> Yes, to generate doxygen docs it's necessary to go into the appropriate dirs 
> and run 'make doxygen'.
> I'd accept a patch to alter this, if you feel it necessary. ;-)
>                                          Peter

Current behaviour may be fine, but the comment after -enable-doxygen
option "generate Doxygen API documentation" is misleading. "generate"
indicates that something is produced by this option. "maybe something
like "ensure that Doxygen is available" or "prepare Doxygen API
documentation generation" is better.

And maybe a remark in the README or INSTALL files.

Best regards

Stefan Salewski

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