On Sun, 2009-11-01 at 18:14 -0500, Mark wrote:
> On Sun November 1 2009 07:59:26 am Peter Clifton wrote:
> > As it stands, the back-traces don't help a great deal, since they are
> > missing a load of the debug information required.
> >
> > What distro do you use? Usually there are "-dbg", "-dbgsym" or "-debug"
> > packages for various libraries. To fill in the "??" sections of the
> > back-trace, you need those installed. I'd suggest you probably need the
> > ones for:
> I'm using Slackware 12.1 and so far I've been unable to find any packaged 
> debug libraries.  I'm 
> tempted to compile them myself with debug enabled but I expect that to take a 
> little while mostly 
> because of the effort of locating the proper libs.
> > (Ubuntu package names in brackets)
> >
> > xlib (libx11-6-dbg)
> > xcb  (libxcb1-dbg, libx11-xcb1-dbg, possibly others)
> > gtk  (libgtk2.0-0-dbg)
> > glib (libglib2.0-dbg)
> > gtk-gl-ext (libgtkglext1-dbg)
> > C Library (libc6-dbg)
> How different are Ubuntu's libraries (packages) compared to the bone stock 
> ones straight from the 
> project developers?   I'm not certain they would really work on Slackware.

I'm not sure.. I tried to find some slackware packages, but their site
is terminally broken..

Installing custom compiled versions of system libraries is typically a
recipe for a broken system disaster.. since it is difficult to know what
patches / fixes / compile options a distro will use to put together a
working suite.

On Ubuntu, the debug libraries are not installed in /usr/lib/..., they
hide in /usr/lib/debug/usr/lib/.... (Under /usr/lib/debug is an image of
the file-system, but just with debug libraries).

This means tools like gdb can use the debugging version of a library (or
grab its debug symbols at least), without affecting the run-time
performance of any other parts of the system.

If you had a spare HDD, installing Ubuntu (or one of the other more
modern distributions) would probably be the easiest way to proceed IMO.

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