On Fri, 2009-11-13 at 10:40 +0900, Torsten Wagner wrote:

> P.S. One question remain: Why I didn't switch some years ago already ?!
> I guess it was the somehow alienating GUIs which keep me away. However, this 
> seems to be "better" no on both sides. I lost interest in fancy GUIs and 
> gschem and PCB makes some effort to create a little bit more beauty GUIs.

If you're new to gEDA, make sure you have at least the 1.6.0 version.
Anything older is just so much uglier. 1.6.0 is actually the latest
release - there are one or two bug fixes (one notable) in git HEAD if
you wanted to build from source....



Get the latest PCB release you can - that is always a good idea, the
latest release was "20091103", available here:


Or get the latest from git HEAD:

(See same instructions as above).

That has seen some activity recently - including a fair few bug fixes
since the 20091103 release - made just over a week ago!

If you get into testing experimental code (and / or) want the
translucent OpenGL stuff, shout back and I'll send instructions to fetch
and build that. It is experimental still though.

Best wishes,

Peter C.

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