On 11/13/09, Stephan Boettcher <boettc...@physik.uni-kiel.de> wrote:
> DJ Delorie <d...@delorie.com> writes:
>> The file format and internal data formats support it, but there's no
>> way other than editing the file to set width and height to different
>> values.
> I do like that fact that the file format supports more general features.
> But in this case I may rather prefer to be able to rotate a sub-design
> by arbitrary angles.  These eliptic arcs do not allow that, or did I
> miss something?

If you FreeRotate an elliptic arc, you change it's form; the major and
minor axes
remain vertical and horizontal, the start and end angles are modified.

Rotations by 90 degrees work, though.

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