On Sat, 2009-11-14 at 18:18 -0600, John Griessen wrote:

> I'd like to know if the plugin method can create a trace segment
> that will DRC to be a connected gnetlistable trace as is.  IOW is there an 
> action command
> to create a line segment?

You don't need an action command to do it.. plugins can call any method
from with PCB - so yes, they can do pretty much anything with the
currently supported object types.

(What they can't do is add support for new data-types and objects to the
existing core).

> Could be useful for RF work, antennas and such.

Other than time (which would be the show-stopper if someone asked me to
do it), the reason I personally haven't implemented this feature, is
that I've never needed it in any of my designs.

I don't do RF - and I wouldn't know what features would be useful to
those who do.

Btw.. LiquidPCB uses a similar approach, http://www.liquidpcb.org/

I believe it outputs boards in geda/PCB format. Check out their
screen-shots! It looks to have come a long way since I last looked at it
- so the suggestion that it uses (or exports to) PCB format may no
longer be true.

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