On Thu, 2009-11-12 at 23:54 +0100, Christoph Lechner wrote:
> Others mentioned it already, but the ASCII file format is a big plus of
> gEDA and PCB. Keeping the files in revision control systems is no
> problem, as the diffs are so small compared to a binary file where the
> whole file is stuffed in the RCS.

I think it would be very fine to have something like gedasymbols for
schematics and layouts.

Some people wrote in the past, that they use revision control systems
for gEDA. Some central place, where one can upload the data would have
multiple benefits: No need to setup such a system for every single user
locally, safety of data when local harddisk crash, and possibility to
share data with other people.

I think the biggest problem of this idea is the protection against
criminal people who upload illegal data.

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