The default resolution of 600 dpi is pretty good for pads too.
Actually potrace just generates the best fit polygon, the offset is
done as in ps and png with the bloat parameter.
Unfortunately polygons are not bloated but they should not be part of
the electrical connection anyways; and if they end up being a little
smaller it doesn't matter.


2009/11/16 Peter Clifton <>:
> Doing it as a bitmap is basically how the OpenGL HID solves a similar
> problem - ie.. not drawing overlapping translucent geometry.
> For export, I guess that means you need a pretty high-resolution image
> to trace - otherwise you loose output precision.
> It wouldn't be "that" hard to get the contours using PCB's polygon
> routines, but that doesn't solve the need to offset your GCODE path
> inside our outside the outlines.
> Off the top of my head.. I don't know how to do that. I guess potrace
> takes care of it for you - in that it can only trace so close to your
> outline given the particular "pen" size of your router.
> Best wishes,
> Peter C.

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