On Tue, 2009-11-17 at 15:56 +0900, Torsten Wagner wrote:
> Hi all,

> I noticed that gschem and pcb open up a dialog box at start which are not 
> recognised by awesome as floating boxes and wonder if there is any way to 
> either suppress this or to fix the size within awesome.
> I can look throw awesome page and wiki to find a solution for this but 
> thought 
> maybe someone here have a nice working config already.

Which dialog boxes?

I can't promise to fix anything, but if you give us some more
information, we might be able to figure out why they get recognised as
windows, rather than dialog boxes.

Many of the dialog boxes probably _are_ windows in the strictest sense,
albeit possibly "tool windows"of some kind.

> Furthermore, I use a dual monitor set-up (something maybe not as unlikely for 
> EDA systems). However, for some reasons, the dialog boxes e.g. for the 
> library 
> selection window always open up at the wrong display.
> I know this strange behaviour from other programs as well. On the awesome 
> mail 
> list people refer to the fact the programs themselves mess around with the 
> window settings. I guess, if this is true it might be interesting for some of 
> the devs to check at which point gschem and pcb might conflict with the 
> window 
> managers since this might create all kind of problems not only in awesome but 
> also for other window managers.

It is almost _always_ the window manager's fault for that kind of
behaviour. X11 programs don't specify where dialogs should open, only
hints as to their purpose.

Perhaps if we can figure out some (non-intrusive) ways of hinting dialog
purpose better to the WM, it will be of help though.

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