On Tue, 2009-11-17 at 17:19 -0700, John Doty wrote:

> Another problem is that it doesn't play well with hierarchy. Suppose  
> you need a bunch of the same circuit, but one of the building blocks  
> comes in pairs, and another comes in duals. That forces you to draw  
> six of the circuit per block. And then maybe you need nine of them.  
> At that point, hierarchy isn't worth it. But nine identical (from a  
> signal flow point of view) circuits *should* be the kind of thing you  
> do with hierarchy.

That is of course, a distinction between the logical hierarchy, and the
physical hierarchy. I'm not 100% convinced either way.

I would find it very surprising to see a product schematic containing a
hierarchy block, to find that when embodied, that hierarchy is violated.

You would probably want separate _physical_ schematic produced, with
some / all of the hierarchy flattened out, _as implemented_.

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