On Nov 18, 2009, at 10:54 AM, Bill Gatliff wrote:

> Not sure if this question is related, but...
> Why not change the workflow so that during schematic capture, there  
> are
> no pin numbers anywhere?  "Pins" on symbols get assigned a physical  
> pin
> number during some some later step, at the same time that footprints  
> are
> selected.  And then a backwards data flow brings the pin assignments
> back to gschem for display?  Of course, I really have little idea of  
> the
> implications of what I'm saying...  :)
> It has never made sense to me to do pin assignments during schematic
> capture.  At that point, all I'm interested in is the signal flow
> through the symbols--- the pin assignments aren't a necessity until
> layout, and are subject to change during layout in ways that don't
> really affect the schematic.  I don't really care that I chose a chip
> with four NAND gates rather than four single-chip ones, the logical
> signal flow is the same in both cases.  But that change often requires
> that I physically change from one symbol to another in gschem, even  
> when
> the visual representations are identical.
> Of course, you have to deal with making sure that the four-gate chip  
> has
> a decoupling capacitor vs. four caps for the four-chip solution, and a
> convenient way to note that is on some power-related pages attached to
> your schematic diagram.  But I find that almost everyone puts those on
> their own pages, so that they don't "pollute" the rest of their
> schematic.  That suggests to me that other people view schematic
> diagrams as logical entities too, at least except for those
> power-related pages.
> Because of what I view the schematic capture process as being, stuff
> like slotting and footprint= don't really fit in with my mental  
> model of
> what schematic symbols are.  As I see it, those concepts exist only
> because we're trying trying to force part of the layout process  
> upstream
> into schematic capture.  I don't know how to fix the problem, but I
> think that's what it is.
> Obviously, you can't eliminate pin numbers altogether in a schematic
> diagram.  How would I know where to put my oscilloscope probe?  :)   
> But
> a schematic diagram that features pin numbers is a subtly different
> document from one that doesn't--- it contains "markup" recording
> decisions made during layout.

Your suggestion sounds like an implementation I would call a logical  

( A hierarchy could be one level deep, and flat in the first place. )

logical hierarchy ---implement---> physical hierarchy ---flatten?--->  
physical flat design.

Then the physical flat design gets plumbed through the various other  

The implement step could have things like
- The connector script I have seen flowing around, that makes tables  
of nets and pins into a connector.
- A generic R and C converter ( a very simple light to heavy converter )
- A light to heavy converter, connected to a parts database.
- Many other tools that can add the metadata of a design


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