Peter TB Brett wrote:
> And, furthermore, if I/we fixed it to work as designed, some users would be
> up in arms -- because they have been using the mechanism in a way contrary
> to its design, and fixing it to work as designed has broken their
> schematics.

During the transition between the current state and the new, fixed
version--- yes.  But they also have the option of forking pre-fix or
waiting around until things stabilize.

> Note that this same point applies to several other aspects of gEDA.  If,
> when users state that they are taking advantage of bugs, we do not point
> out that they *are* bugs and encourage them not to, then we lose the
> ability to fix those bugs.  Down that path lies Windows^Wmadness.

We don't lose the ability to fix those bugs.  They lose the ability to
continue exploiting those bugs.

Another major point of Free Software is that if the users don't like the
way things are developing, they have the option of taking their copy and
going in another direction.  I don't think we should focus on backward
compatibility at the expense of forward progress.

I say, break 'em.  They have been warned.  :)


Bill Gatliff

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