On Mon, 23 Nov 2009 11:17:49 -0800, Anthony Shanks wrote:

> Have a few questions about pcb...
> 1. So after drawing rat lines between two components, 

So you are working without a schematic?
I wouldn't recommend this, except for the most simplistic circuits.

> it gives a default
> netname of ratdrawn. How do I rename the rat after playing it?

The name of the rat would be the name of the net it represents. This is 
most easily set in the schematics, that is, in gschem. If you work 
without a schematic, you are left with edit the pcb file with an ascii 

> 2. How do I move a refdes without moving the component?

a) choose the arrow tool (ESC-key)

b) Make sure, that 
        Settings -> Lock_Names 
   is not set.
   You may set Settings -> Only_Names to restrict all mouse actions to
   text items only. 

c) Let the mouse hover over the refdes

d) Drag the mouse with left mouse button held pressed down.

> 3. How do I rotate or invert a component after placing it?

a) Choose the rotate tool (F9-key)

b) Make sure, you don't have "Only_Names" set. 

c) Left-click the object you want to rotate for 90° clockwise rotation
   Shift-left-click for anti-clockwise rotation

Alternatively, there is a command to do rotate the current buffer by an 
arbitrary angle.

There is no way to invert a footprint. Components cannot be inverted in 
reality, either. However, you can move a footprint to the bottom layer. 
Since the view of pcb is see-through, the footprint will appear inverted.

> I see how to
> use the buffer command to rotate or invert but instead of rotating or
> inverting the selected component it inserts a new one.

Cut the footprint to buffer rather than copy to buffer.

> 4. Is there anyway for ratlines to move with an component instead of
> having to use the optimize rats command every time I move components
> around?

Sometimes they do, sometimes they don't. I don't know about the exact 
circumstances that prevent rubber band move of rats. Maybe a developer 
can shed a light on this.

> 5. I am a bit confused by the layers, i have power, gnd, and signal 1-4.
> If I just want a top and bottom layer, which layers do I use?

The layer stack con be manipulated in 
        File -> Preferences -> Layers -> Groups 
Rename the layers to you preferred naming scheme.
On the bottom there are two special layer groups "solder_side" and 
"component_side". By convention, component_side is the top layer and 
"solder_layer" is bottom. (Note to the developers, this should be renamed 
to top_side and bottom_side)

> 6. How do I resize polygons after creating them?

Drag at the corners of the polygons. Yes, it may prove difficult to hit 
the sensitive spot (feature request: Please change mouse appearance like 
it is done with tracks). You can try View -> Check_Polygons to see the 
outline of the polygons.

> 7. Is there a command to do a copper fill on the whole board area?

Draw a large polygon. 

Next question will be: "How can I assign my polygon to a net?"

> 8. How to I create/edit footprints?

There are a few different ways. See:

You may check gedasymbols if the desired footprint has already been
contributed by some other user:  http://www.gedasymbols.org/

Hope, that helped,


PS: You may bookmark the pcb tips page of the geda website:

Kai-Martin Knaak                                  tel: +49-511-762-2895
Universität Hannover, Inst. für Quantenoptik      fax: +49-511-762-2211 
Welfengarten 1, 30167 Hannover           http://www.iqo.uni-hannover.de
GPG key:    http://pgp.mit.edu:11371/pks/lookup?search=Knaak+kmk&op=get

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