Link wrote:
> I've designed a circuit that I'm planning to home-fab, and as such, I've 
> had to design my board using only a single layer. After about a week or 
> so of puzzling, I've managed to route it. Unfortunately, it looks like 
> I'll need a metric craptonne of jumper wire, and I was hoping someone 
> could help me get rid of a few of those jumpers.

I didn't look at the picture, but a generic piece of advice is that a 
component lead (I'm assuming a through-hole board -- I told you I didn't 
look :) is as good as a jumper.  You might make some looong footprints 
for  two-lead components so that you can route more tracks under them. 
After all, DigiKey sends you all that wire that just gets clipped off...

But... why not go two layers?  Disclaimer: I send boards out these days, 
I'm of the "life's too short" school on that... but if you drill first 
then registration shouldn't be outrageously difficult.  Put a fiducial 
on each of the four corners and drill them, that should help.


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