On Tue, 2010-02-02 at 08:32 -0500, Chris Cole wrote:
>  realized that none of the Microchip IC's I was using were in the
>  component library. What's the standard procedure for this? Is it easier
>  to mooch off an existing part or to create your own?

If there is no symbol at www.gedasymbols.org I would suggest making a
new one, maybe with tragesym.


Please note, you do not need a spreadsheet program, a plain editor works

On Tue, 2010-02-02 at 14:35 +0000, Andy Fierman wrote:

> then have a good read of:
> http://geda.seul.org/wiki/geda:gschem_symbol_creation

>>gEDA/gaf Symbol Creation Document
>>by: Ales V. Hvezda / July 6th, 2004

Well, old documents may be fine.
But people may think: Documentation is from 2004, so there seems not
much progress in the last 6 years. At least this is not very good

We may include DJ's fine, more recent tutorial in the list:


Maybe we should have something like "Getting Started" at gpleda.org,
with a few links to the most basic beginners documentation?

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