On Feb 4, 2010, at 5:05 AM, Facundo Ferrer wrote:

   Hi all,
I've been working with gEDA since september '09. I'm working on a flash converter circuit and the circuit has grow a lot and the simulations
   become more time consuming. That's why I compile gEDA using
--enable-cluster flag but I don't know how to use this feature. I try to sim with the same command line that I was using with the non cluster
   version of gEDA and the simulation fails.
   The command line that I use is:
   ngspice_sequential -b test.cir -o test.raw (for sequential gEDA
   and all works great but when I try to use:
ngspice_parallel -b test.cir -o test.raw (for the --enable- cluster gEDA
the following error appear in the test.raw file after bias information:
   Host not found in setup_time.
   And transient simulation does not start.
   Anyone knows how I could use this feature?

While ngspice is one the the simulation back ends that gEDA can use, it is not part of the gEDA project, and I don't believe its developers watch this list. I not sure where you'd find a better forum to ask this question, but apparently nobody here knows the answer.

John Doty              Noqsi Aerospace, Ltd.

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