Chris Cole wrote:
Jason wrote:
To me, The 'A' answer is to treat the gui like a scripted workflow.
All the CLI pieces underneath adhere to the Unix flexibility philosophy, and a scripted UI/GUI joins it all together into your particular workflow by calling each CLI program with the
appropriate options based on user input.

Well put. This is why I don't necessarily think it's a bad idea to include gsch2pcb, or the ability to create a netlist, etc. in a GUI
tool. Maybe it's not particularly suited inside gschem, however and
the real tool that's missing is a gEDA IDE to help with the design
workflow? I haven't been particularly fond of IDE's in the past, but
that's mostly because  they were software development IDE's and I
like to write code in Emacs :)

Wow, holy code-doesn't-die, batman!. This thread got me to thinking about some old code I wrote. So I did some searching and found it. dvd9to5 was a Perl script I wrote years ago for backing up my DVDs. This was before dual-layer burnable discs.

You can find it here [1]. It's a good example of what I was trying to describe. Although, please ignore coding style, comments, capitalization, attitude, swearing, and the language Perl. I've learned a lot (at least, what _not_ to do) since I wrote that. However, it's a good example of wrapping individual CLI tools into one workflow to get a job done.



[1] -

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