On Fri, Feb 26, 2010 at 11:15:13PM -0700, Eric Brombaugh wrote:
> Don't know what they're complaining about - When I started using gschem
> & pcb a few years ago I just committed to doing it, ran through the
> tutorials and got on with it.

I started using gschem+PCB because I needed to make a big 4 layer board,
and there was no way I was going to pay to put up with the quirks of
Eagle.  So instead I used gschem+PCB and hacked on the quirks.  I remember
thinking that it was a bummer that there wasn't a great standard parts
library.  I also remember when I realized how crazy it was to rely on ANY
standard parts library.  And if you're making footprints and symbols,
text files generated by scripts are FAR superior to any GUI.  I'd never
get 100-1000 pins right if I had to use a GUI.

Ben Jackson AD7GD

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