On Wednesday 10 March 2010 20:26:41 Jared Casper wrote:
> On Wed, Mar 10, 2010 at 12:18 PM, Alberto Maccioni
> <alberto.macci...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > This:
> > http://sourceforge.net/tracker/?group_id=73743&atid=538813
> > 
> > which is also linked from:
> > http://www.gpleda.org/developer.html
> Ah yes... unfortunately, at present, "Sourceforge is where patches go
> to die"*.  I've had more success getting patches applied by emailing
> them to this list then posting them there, even though that is the
> preferred method according to the website.  Hopefully that'll change
> and eventually a standard, actually used, procedure for community
> contributions will arise out of all of this (be it sourceforge or
> not).

We (Peter C & I) try quite hard to keep on top of patches to gschem/libgeda 
etc., y'know.  Putting them in the tracker makes things a lot easier for us, 
and I really encourage you to keep doing that.


Peter Brett <pe...@peter-b.co.uk>
Remote Sensing Research Group
Surrey Space Centre

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