Le mercredi 14 avril 2010 20:29:59, Dave N6NZ a écrit :
> On Apr 14, 2010, at 10:18 AM, Kai-Martin Knaak wrote:
> > 3) There is consensus, that the current library is in poor shape. But
> > there are diverging opinions how a good default library should look like.
> And I doubt there will ever be a "one size fits all" library.  The
>  flexibility of the current system is it's strength, you can pretty much
>  always get what you want, or close enough.   OTOH, the flexibility of the
>  current system causes no end of confusion to new users.

I'm certainly not ranting about the symbols/footprints separation here.
I understand very well that this flexibility is appreciated.

> I think that there are probably different libraries for different user
>  communities.  I can think of two footprint libraries right off: a) result
>  must be easy to hand solder -- either because the user is a hobbyist or
>  someone who wants to create kits for a hobbyist community where you want
>  good results to come easily, and b) result targets automated manufacturing
>  at low cost, using lots of SMT.

The problem (as I see it from my humble point of view) is that the default 
libraries target none.

Hobbyists will have a hard time finding matching footprints, lose time drawing 
new ones, and end with a board that fails the smoke test because of 
inconsistent pinout. I learnt it the hard way :)

Pros will redraw a good amount of the symbols and footprints anyway, to have 
them match their SIGs.

> Anyway, all that said, I think that is expecting a lot for the gEDA
>  community to form library SIGs around different design rule manifestos. 
>  There just aren't enough of us to go around.  For the time being we are
>  all Library SIGs of one person each :)


Where I see guidelines could help is not in the design itself but on the 
properties of the symbols and footprints. 
If only I could download a footprint for a capacitor and be certain, without 
even checking, that the pinout would match the one used in the symbol I 
downloaded from somewhere else! Something like that would help. Currently, I 
cannot even trust the default library for that.

Anyway, thank you for your time. I'll continue to make my own libraries :)

Amand Tihon
13C Rue Arsène Matton, 1325 Dion-Valmont, Belgium
+32 479 207 743

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