On Apr 14, 2010, at 6:00 PM, Miguel Sánchez de León Peque wrote:
   Hi all,
Does anybody know something about chord processing? What I would like to do is to know which notes are played in a chord, realtime... Don't
   know if this is even possible.
In particular, I'm working in [1]Performous as a developer, and I would
   like to add "real guitar" to the game. That means you plug in your
guitar and you play the song with real notes (not the five fake notes as in "[2]Rock Band mode"), treating the guitar input as a voice track (so you see the pitch as [3]if you were singing). I've already tried this and works fine while playing single notes (solos, for example),
   but while playing chords, I always get too many harmonics and seems
impossible to clean all of them and extract the main notes played in
   the chord.
   Is this possible? Via hardware or software, I don't mind.
   Don't know if I explained myself well (im not english... :-) ). I'd
   appreciate any help from you. Thanks in advance,


   1. http://performous.org/
   2. http://performous.org/screenshots/Performous-0.4.0-guitar.jpg
   3. http://performous.org/screenshots/Performous-0.3.1-sing.jpg

Hmm...Do an FFT on the input, and then fuzzy match the frequencies to notes?


Dave McGuire
Port Charlotte, FL

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