I'm a little surprised that Icarus Verilog doesn't already pay
attention to the "4" in your "%4b". In any case, this should do
the trick for you:

   integer result;
     ... $display("%b", result[3:0]); ...

or failing that, you can try:
   wire [3:0] tmp = result;
   ... $display("%b", tmp);

Patrick Doyle wrote:
> Sorry to pester you folks with this, but I'm not sure whom else to ask.
> I have some verilog test code in which I would like to display an
> integer value, which is known to be between 0 and 15, as a binary
> vector, i.e.
> integer result;
> $display("%4b", result);
> of course I get a 64 bit vector displayed.
> Is there any way to cast my integer variable "result" as a 4 bit
> vector just for use in a $display statement?
> Thanks for any tips you can give me.
> --wpd
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Steve Williams                "The woods are lovely, dark and deep.
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