On Wed, 24 Nov 2010 17:17:47 +0100
Jan Martinek <ho...@dp.fce.vutbr.cz> wrote:

> On 11/24/2010 05:13 PM, Jan Martinek wrote:
> > On 11/23/2010 03:52 PM, Kai-Martin Knaak wrote:
> >> Hi.
> >> I just hit a legitimate use case for mirrored footprints:
> >> A layout sketch for dead-bug-prototyping. That is, glue the
> >> component with its back to the board and do the wires manually.
> >> However, there seems
> >> to be no way to mirror a footprint.
> >>
> >
> > Hi,
> >
> > I recently made something similar - I did not want do drill holes
> > so I made SMD's out of common DIP package by bending legs. So I
> > also needed mirrored footprints. In this directory
> >
> > http://fyzika.fce.vutbr.cz/pub/
> >
> Oh, sorry, wrong link. This one is correct:
> http://fyzika.fce.vutbr.cz/pub/bentlegs/

Very clever!  I agree that drilling holes (and inserting vias) is the
worst part of the homemade PCB process.  I did a similar through-hole
to SMD conversion with a through-hole 4-pin SPDT momentary tactile
pushbutton switch, which was very easy to do by simply bending each pin
out to a 90 degree angle. (Though through-hole mounting probably
provides better mechanical strength, I think 4 pins on a small switch
pressed vertically should do an adequate job of supporting the switch.)

I am missing the reason you must mirror the footprints, however.
Aren't the pins still in the same orientation they would be with the
standard footprint?  Since your DIP packages are mounted in the
"normal-side-up" orientation, it seems the pins should be in the right
order, unless you have placed the IC on the "component" side of the
board in pcb... ?


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