On Thu, Dec 9, 2010 at 4:22 AM, Kai-Martin Knaak
<kn...@iqo.uni-hannover.de> wrote:
> Hi.
> Thanks to the little scheme script print.scm distributed with geda,
> I finally managed to do non-interactive print of more complex projects.
> Attached to this mail you can find a little script that descends recursively
> down a hierarchy of schematics. It prints the contents to postscript
> in a /tmp and assembles them to a single PDF document. Duplicates are
> dropped. So subcircuits used multiple times are rendered only once.

Thanks Kaimartin, that sounds useful!
I've only needed to make a schematic larger than one A3 sheet once.  A
quick read about gschem's approach to multiple page schematics quickly
convinced me that I'd rather shrink my symbols and keep to one page
Any improvement to gschem's handling of multiple page schematics is
much appreciated :)

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