On Wed, Dec 15, 2010 at 01:02:25AM +0000, Peter Clifton wrote:
> On Tue, 2010-12-14 at 22:57 +0100, Martin Kupec wrote:
> >     Sometimes, when you place to lines too close, but not that close
> >     in polygon. It will make thin line in the polygon connecting two
> >     part of the polygon. DRC will mark this line as too thin.
> Actually, I'm pretty sure the DRC will miss this error (unless the thin
> line was _required_ for some connectivity), - And even then I'm not 100%
> sure.
        It misses the error. I have found old bug describing this
> >  It
> >     should automaticly erase such lines. Any proposal, how to fix
> >     this?
> It is quite a hard problem to solve actually.. I'll have a think about
> it... it really needs solving, and I've been looking at / thinking about
> polygons recently.
        You are probably the most qualified one :-).
> >     When you make a via in polygon. Change the clerance to too
> >     small value and add thermal(even full thermal). DRC will mark
> >     this via as having too smal clearance. This seems like bug to
> >     me.
> Sounds like ;) (I'll point you at a bug tracker to file it at some
> point, but we're probably going to move trackers pretty soon anyway, so
> you might have the honour of filing the first (new) bug in the new bug
> tracker if you wait a while!).
        I am trying to file a bug at launchpad.net.
> >     Bigger issues is that when I drag component, lines are dragged
> >     with it. This is fine, but the lines do not respect any
> >     orthogonal/45 deg rules.
> You can switch off rubber-band mode in the settings menu. More
> intelligent rubber-banding could be done in the future, but is not
> trivial to implement.
        I know that this is problematic. I can work with current state.
        I just pointed to all problems I had :-).
> >     I cannot simply unmask part of the board. I know how to do it,
> >     but that is not optimal. Having some Solder mask layer with
> >     polygons clearing solder mask would be neat.
> Future TODO item for when we re-work layer support in (some) future PCB
> version. I'd expect it will not happen any time soon.
        There is a patch on tracker(ID 2986641). It add few new layers
        and one of them is component_mask(and solder_mask).
        What do you think about that patch? It doesn't apply currently,
        but it can be a starting point.

                Martin Kupec

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